Does voluntary health insurance improve health and longevity? Evidence from European OECD countries, Authors: Dragos Simona Laura, Mare Codruta, Dragos Cristian Mihai, Mureșan Gabriela Mihaela, Purcel Alexandra Anca – article published in THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS (WOS indexed journal), Q1 considering IF, Q2 considering AIS,
Voluntary health insurance and out-of-pocket payments in European OECD countries, Authors: Purcel Alexandra Anca, Dragos Cristian Mihai, Mare Codruta, Dragos Simona Laura – article submitted to ECONOMIC MODELLING (WOS indexed journal), Q1 considering IF – status: Revise and resubmit (3)
European motor insurance demand: a spatial approach of its effects and key determinants, Authors: Dragoș Simona Laura, Mare Codruța, Mureșan Gabriela Mihaela, Purcel Alexandra Anca, article submitted to ECONOMIC RESEARCH (WOSindexed journal), Q2 considering IF– status: Revise and Resubmit (2)
Spatial processes in the European motor insurance, Authors:, Mare Codruța, Dragoș Simona Laura, Mureșan Gabriela Mihaela, article submitted to EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS (WOS indexed journal), – status: Revise and Resubmit (1)
Economic, institutional and cultural factors favoring the insurance market versus the credit and stock market, Authors: Dragoș Cristian Mihai, Dragoș Simona Laura, Mare Codruța, Mureșan Gabriela Mihaela, Purcel Alexandra Anca, at the journal, Revista de Studii si Cercetari Economice Virgil Madgearu (indexed BDI) – status: Accepted.
What leads Romanian farmers to take out crop insurance: a discrete choice model approach, Authors: Dragos Cristian Mihai, Dragoș Simona Laura, Mare Codruța, Mureșan Gabriela Mihaela, Purcel Alexandra Anca, submitted to SOCIO-ECONOMIC PLANNING SCIENCES (WOS indexed journal), Q1 considering IF, Q2 considering AIS.
Machine learning models for predicting Romanian farmers’ purchase of crop insurance, Authors: Mare Codruța, Manate Daniela, Mureșan Gabriela Mihaela, Dragoș Simona Laura, Dragos Cristian Mihai, Purcel Alexandra, submitted to MATHEMATICS (WOS indexed journal), Q1 considering IF.